In this period, many organizations help migrants in their search for a better life, “Hope For Children” is one of them. “Hope for Children” is taking care of unaccompanied minors since 2014.
I had the priviledge to volunteer in HFC for 6 months. I listened to stories of violence, escaping, and abuse that no one would like to live in their life. I will try to do my best, with HFC and other NGOs, to make them feel welcomed and safe. To make them understand that those events belong to their past, and a better future is possible. That being born in the wrong place at the wrong time should not define your destiny and the possibility of a serene life.
I have been lucky as my pathway has always been full of open door. With my Italian passport I could live and work in London and in Cyprus, I could volunteer in Ethiopia, I could visit as many countries as I wanted.
I could go to school and have an education since I was three years old. I could have a place to grow up with a stable loving family and stable friends. I was lucky. I am born in a lucky place. I could have been born anywhere else in the world, in some “unlucky” place where hygiene, education, human rights are not assured. I could be thinking, right now, that I have been extremely unlucky to be born as a woman and not as a man. Luckily, I am not.
What can I do? My vision is simple and hard at the same time: build bridges.
I wish for all humanity to never see a closed door on his pathway: in my own small way, as all the big-hearted volunteers I met here, I can promise that I will keep on doing my best to stop other walls from building and to promote human rights.