Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Me and the island

  Cyprus with more than 300 sunny days per year, mild winters and its beautiful blue flag beaches scattered all over the Island is definitely a place where everyone can find something for themselves. But is this all this Island has to offer?   First of all...

Learning in the EVS

Challenge is the word that represents best my EVS. Moving abroad for one year is challenging. Working in a foreign language is challenging. Dealing with unaccompanied minors is very challenging. Being an EVS volunteer at "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center in Cyprus, for one year allowed me...

Not only sea… Cyprus and its mountains

I didn’t know too much about this island before coming to Cyprus. My plan was to spend one year in Ukraine, and for this purpose I bought in January 2016 a good pair of hiking shoes, waterproof and warm. Just some days after I...

So what are we engaged with? @ HFC

“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center is an international humanitarian and independent Institution based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Our Institution is established on standards and principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law. It works on humanitarian and...

European Voluntary Service, a way to find yourself

If you hear about the European Voluntary Service the first thing that comes to your mind is related to the future host organisation. Where are you going to be working? What exactly will you be doing? Will you like what you are doing? Which is...

Cyprus history in a nutshell – understanding Cypriot heritage

Situated at the maritime crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean basin, Cyprus has a rich and varied history. Many invaders, settlers and immigrants have come here over the centuries, such as Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Lusignans, Genoese, Venetians, Ottomans, British and Turks seek to take a...

Volunteering in Cyprus

My adventure in Cyprus started in October 2016, now its almost coming to an end with 3 months to go, it was a great experience so far so now its time to sum it up and describe why Cyprus is a great spot to...

The garden

  "As every year, the school is closed for 3 months during the summer, the reason for this I guess is the hot temperatures of Cyprus(up to 45 degrees). In order to avoid for the boys not get bored and also get some extracurricular activity...

Country and people

Big city life in Limassol and Nicosia and also slow village life in the countryside; traditional values and cosmopolitan lifestyle;  amazing beaches and snowy mountains: Cyprus is a land of contrasts. It is a small country, but the third largest island in the Mediterranean,...

The gate between volunteering and working

   8 o’ clock in the morning. My Italian coffee is ready, the bag on the table with thousands of small papers and notes with appointments, ideas, things learned, useful information, telephone numbers. Glasses, my lunch, pens, telephone…Where are the keys? Found them! I take my bicycle and...

Social Counter
