Challenge is the word that represents best my EVS.
Moving abroad for one year is challenging.
Working in a foreign language is challenging.
Dealing with unaccompanied minors is very challenging.
Being an EVS volunteer at “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center in Cyprus, for one year allowed me to gain several professional skills. I believe is a serious and professionalising EVS project where you can learn about working in the social field, on education and on children protection.
But the most amazing and useful characteristic of the European Voluntary Service is the possibility to make a personal learning journey. EVS is a huge learning process, where you are the main actor. You can create your personal goals and you can decide what YOU want to learn.
The whole experience was enriching for many points of view.
I worked as part of a big team but at the same time, I learned how to work independently and to organise my tasks. During this process, I learned the importance of prioritising; focusing on things one by one is essential to do a good job and to accomplish what we planned.
The experience in “Hope For Children” was great and fulfilling but the kind of job, considering also the life in another country, can lead to some stressful situations. It happened to me to feel overwhelmed. For this reason is fundamental to recognise when we have reached our limits when we have to ask for help, and we have to understand the importance of finding personal ways to release the negativity and transform it into positive energy.
If we are willing to challenge EVS might be a very important training ground for our future.