Traditional and Modern Medicine – Is a Marriage Possible?
Today, almost half of all refugees worldwide are children and adolescents, nearly a quarter of whom arrive in Europe as Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM).
Many URMs have experienced the cumulative stress of being exposed to both the adverse environmental...
Violence in Refugee Minor Communities: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
Refugee minors, particularly those who have fled conflict zones or oppressive regimes, are often at heightened risk of experiencing violence both during their migration journey and in host countries. These vulnerable individuals face significant challenges as they navigate life in refugee camps,...
Cooperative movement in Cyprus was born and evolved mainly in the agricultural field. At the beginning of the 20th century, agriculture was the most important sector in Cyprus and a lot of families used to farm their land. The first cooperatives were...
Child Protection for Unaccompanied Minors in Cyprus: A Short Reflection on my ESC experience in Larnaca
For a year, I have had the privilege of working as a European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteer at a shelter for unaccompanied boys in Larnaca. During this time, I experienced the challenges they face and the incredible resilience these boys had to...
Donkeys in Cyprus: Tradition and Animal Welfare
Donkeys hold a special place in Cyprus’ cultural identity. From their vital role in agriculture to their modern uses in eco-tourism and artisanal products, donkeys have remained indispensable to the island. During my stay in Cyprus, I have visited donkey farms, and...
A Weekend in the Nature: My Camping Experience in Akamas Forest
In early November, I had the chance to disconnect from the hustle of everyday life and spend a weekend camping with some friends in the beautiful Akamas Forest near Paphos. The three-day trip was a much-needed break and a chance of spending...
Cyprus Stop Trafficking: An Interview with Founder Ms. Androula Henriques
During my ESC in the Humanitarian Division at Hope for Children’s Larnaca shelter, I often engaged with cases that highlighted the vulnerability of children to trafficking and exploitation. While discussing one such case with the Protection Officer of the shelter, she mentioned...
Cyprus potentially has a lot of possibilities for energy production. It is a big owner of natural gas and has always the sun shining on it, which allows it to produce a lot of solar energy. In particular last year, in 2023,...
Using technology to transform organizational culture and relationships with citizensdigital transformation is seen as a change of paradigm and sometimes labelled as a technological revolution. Innovative technological advancements are significantly transforming the ability of individuals and organizations to deliver high-value digital services....
I am obsessed with pollinators. These kinds of insects are essential for life because they allow the plants to being fecundated and, consequently, us to live. The most famous ones are the bees, and people have learnt to exploit them for the...