Before talking about my experience at “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center I need to go back at the moment when I chose to be part of this project, the moment when I read about it and when I decided that, maybe, I could have been the right person for this position. From there on everything started speeding very fast and I just found myself at the airport, ready to come to Cyprus. Obviously, the cultural shock didn’t take too much time to come. A new country, new office, new language, new people around me. Everything was at the same time exciting and scary.
The first impression I had when arriving at the office was that everyone was very kind and are close to each other. I was very shy – just like a late guest showing up to a party that already started. However, from the first moment I felt that it could have been a good place for me, a place where I would learn new things, boost my experiences and grow personally and professionally. I started observing and catching as many information as possible and working as hard as I could.
Today, after almost twelve months, I don’t know if I managed to leave a trace of me in the office but I admit that everyone, for a different and unique reason, left me with something that I will bring with me – either professionally or personally. Professionally, I will always bring with me what I learned as luggage of new competences and strengths. Personally, I will bring with me what all these people from this family left me; people who I shared more than an office: tasks, lunches and ideas.
I realized that everyone is ready to take care of each other, that working as team is always better than working alone and that asking for other points of view can open your horizons. I learned new words in greek, new expressions and I always felt part of the team.
I will not say that stressful moments never happened but I have never felt alone and I really think that it’s in this moment that you can really realize how important it is to be supported and encouraged. I admit that I really loved everything that I worked on in the office and have gained a lot in terms of knowledge, methodology and skills.
Moreover, what I learned most of all was how much a multicultural environment can offer. This is the real strength of the team I have been part of.
At the end of my path I have in my mind every moment we shared, meetings, events, campaigns and birthdays. A year can be very long sometimes. It may seem like its going by slowly. However, in some other instances, it passes so fast that you cannot even realize that it’s coming to an end. And you just realize that it’s the end when it comes.
My greatest hope is that whoever comes after me will be able to experience what I had the pleasure to experience. I am very proud to have been part of this family and I thank everyone for the most amazing year of work and of life.