It is never easy to leave what you are used to, the comforts of what you call home and the company of those who are dear. It is harder, maybe, to start a new life in a new city, doing a new job, living in a new house with new people surrounding you. Lets add to this a new language, sounds that your ears don’t understand, written words that you can’t connect to known things, and even letters you can’t figure out how to read. The first thing that you may tell yourself could be “Are you sure all of this is worth it?”.
The first experiences can be challenging at the beginning, trying to remember the road to what has now become your house and getting the wrong turns. Going for the first time grocery shopping and trying to find where all the food is placed, not being able to find something or discovering new things. The first day at work, new tasks to understand and learn and new colleagues to get to know. It can become strenuous.
As the days go by, one after the other, you will see that the road home is not as hard to learn and that by getting all those wrong turns you have found new streets, new corners and new sights. You will find the grocery shops that you like best and learn what to buy in one or what to look for in another. You will become part of the group at work and you will find that you can give a contribute too, if you give yourself time to understand how things work.
Slowly you will choose, even in the new city, your favorite café to go to with new friends and activities to join. The eager to discover new things and visit new places will grow the more you discover, and the fear that seemed to hold you back at the beginning slowly will be left behind. You will feel more comfortable and maybe, one day, find yourself calling home even that place.