Put together people always smiling, going slowly, speaking loud and using the car even for very small distances, smell of coffee around the city, very busy streets and you could not tell whether you are in Nicosia or in the south of Italy. This is exactly how it seems to me!
When I have found out that I had to come to Cyprus I started to imagine how it could look like: like a European Country? Like some middle east State? I couldn’t have a specific imagine in my mind, until I came.
The surprise was that what I found it was, for me, exactly as the place that I had just left. I didn’t feel, nor in the first time nor later, any kind of difference or cultural clash between my land and this island. I was very surprised about this, but also a bit dazed. How it is possible to arrive in another city and in another country and to feel like you are living in the place you were for the past twenty-five years?
So I started to go around asking people how it is possible. Mediterranean culture they say!
This is how I feel after two months. Living in a comfortable city that is warmly hosting me and that reminds me home in everything I do, except the fact that I cannot flush the toilet paper!