Monday, July 8, 2024

The first month in the shelter

Being a volunteer in the shelter can be as hard as surviving in the jungle, but also fascinating and empowering as it contributes to something big and worthwhile. The first month has been one of the most intense experiences of my life. 

Cyprus: my first impressions

When I first arrived in Cyprus I didn’t know what to expect from this island. I was coming from a period abroad because I lived three months in Germany and two in Ireland – two cold countries very different from Italy, where...

Waste and plastics threaten the beauty of Cyprus!

I’ve been in Cyprus from one month and half and I’m completely falling in love with this country. Before moving here, I was wondering what my life might be, which people I was going to meet, the volunteering experience I was going...

Traveling changes you!

I haven’t always loved traveling. I have to admit that in adolescence I didn’t like the idea of getting out from the comfort zone in which I had always lived. But time changes many things in everyone’s life. Change priorities, friendships...

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