I came here in Nicosia two months ago for my ESC project. Being a volunteer for an environmental organization back in Italy, I have immediately noticed some unpleasant differences regarding waste pollution. For instance, in the neighborhood I am living there is not a proper separate waste collection. I can only separate plastic, while the rest goes to the undifferentiated waste.

Waste collection is a problem throughout Europe. The latest data from 2021 show that Germany has the highest percentage of recycling, being able to recycle 71,1% of municipal waste, followed by Austria and Slovenia, the only two others with a percentage over 60%. The European average score is 49,6%. Looking at the European data, in June 2023 the European Commission issued an early warning report for Cyprus. The country was identified to be among the Member States at risk of not meeting the 2025 target for incrementing the recycling of municipal waste to 55%, and to diminish the amount of waste disposal in landfills to less than 10%. According to the report the amount of municipal waste per person, generated by the country in 2020, was of 644 kg/person. The European average is 530 kg/person. A crucial factor outlined by the report and by local newspapers is caused by the mass tourism in the island, especially during the summer period. On the other hand, the percentage of the amount of municipal waste recycled, according to the last data collected in 2021, amounted to 15,3%, almost 40 percentage points below the 2025 target. The rate of waste disposal in landfills was still 52%, the European average was 18%.

The situation is quite complicated, as it is in every part of Europe, since the target of recycling 55% of municipal waste is still very low, especially in face of the serious and even more concerning global climate change. Despite the situation is complex, the European Environmental Agency praised some civil society initiatives, particularly those focusing on preventing food waste (which in 2021 was equal to 95 kg/person) and plastic recycling. These initiatives focus on collecting food surpluses produced by local markets and redistributing them to those in need, and replacing and countering the single use of plastic with environmentally friendly alternatives and reusable products.


https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/it/headlines/society/20180328STO00751/statistiche- sullagestione-dei-rifiuti-in-europa-infografica-con-fatti-e-cifre



European Environment Agency – Cyprus (2022), Early warning assessment related to the 2025 targets for municipal waste and packaging waste.

European Environment Agency – Cyprus (2021), Overview of national waste prevention programmes in Europe.